The future holds between carries permission is change the conditions in society, whatever the degree of progress that society. Advances borderless process stops then it is connected and continuously loops ensure effective follow-up of the human mind and pay it forward. It's an expression of rejection and rebellion and to bypass deficiencies which could go wrong with that reality and seek to achieve a better tomorrow by going to new areas in various aspects of life and not excluding himself from the universe website and change the composition and traditional relations between things including configuration the physical, biological and terms of use
The last test was the intellectual independence of traditional ancestral conditions faced by thought and limit his ability to anticipate the future on the basis of sound scientific bases. Here was our main future and future studies, may become part of Arab thinking and essential element in Arabic culture in order to catch up with what's happening in the world of changes and even lansdad backward failure. And God bless.You undo the influence of intellectuals in society? Or that they died and their views are no longer of any value?
Now reigns in some quarters overseas cultural atmosphere of pessimism, about the status of intellectuals in contemporary society, and their role in shaping the social and political life, through discussion, scrutiny and criticism of General conditions facing their communities, and the broad masses, and affect the future of human society and the extent of their participation in enlightening public opinion at both the national and global level,
as was the case in the last century, while senior intellectuals criticize through their writings and their lectures and public meetings, and participate in parades and appeals Releases and statements and protests, they consider it a violation of official bodies on the values, principles and the legitimate rights of their peoples.
These attitudes were often they pay Governments and decision makers to change the wrong policies, and the force of public opinion. We may find something pessimistic in Arabic societies, which complained that influential thinkers arena clearly enjoyed the philosophers of the past two centuries, who played a key role in the Renaissance of Arabic in all areas, and contributed to the formation of the Arab mind. The problem of the declining role of intellectuals described by some abroad that (death of thinkers), the global problem of most if not all countries in the world, with differences in the extent and depth of feeling that suffering and ways to address them. The problem will worsen in the coming decades of mostly twenty-first century.
There may be some exaggeration in the death of thinkers. Each era produces thinkers who express their opinions and their creativity and their criticisms on conditions in that era, and that this was the shuttle's fiery disintegration declining influence, especially when we compare shrinking number of intellectuals with the separate opinion in current time and quality and the monotony of their interests and their influence in shaping public opinion, and make fundamental changes in their communities and the broad public attention, as well as special educators, to their achievements as in the past, but there is a general feeling expressed openly by some writers abroad that intellectuals no longer have The respect and appreciation that the philosophers of the last century have, and these are all things the Arab community, was established around conferences and seminars.
Having appeared abroad in recent years, a large number of works that draw attention and demonstrate the growing problem, or at least the perception of gravity now and aggravated in the future. Suffice it to note here some of these modern writings, even see the intellectuals at the beginning of the new millennium and what would be the case in the future and the depth of feeling about this new situation. It was a few years ago to one of the intellectuals
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